The Relations between Management Factors and Effectiveness of Private Vocational Education Institution Management, under Vocational Education Commission Bangkok

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วราวุธ แย้มชุติ


The purposes of this research were 1) to investigate level of administrative factors in private vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok, 2) to investigate level of administrative effectiveness in private vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok, and 3) to investigate a relationship between administrative factors and administrative effectiveness of private vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok. Data were collected through an employment of a questionnaire with 400 teachers in vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok, in the academic year 2016. The sample group of 400 vocational teachers were recruited by a multi-stage random sampling technique. The questionnaire was tested for its reliability and turned out to be .97 for the whole set. Data were analyzed by means of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Correlation Coefficients at a significant level of .05.
The findings revealed that 1) The sample group rated level of administrative factor of the directors of private vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok area at the highest level. When inspecting for individual aspects, it was found that the highest rated aspect was an environmental aspect, followed by personal aspect, and policy and practice aspect, respectively. 2) Regarding the sample group’s opinion toward administrative effectiveness of the private vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok, it was found that the sample group rated at the highest level. When inspecting for individual aspects, it was found that the highest rated aspect was vision visibility aspect, followed by academic leading, and learning opportunity and timing, respectively. 3) The relationship between administrative factor and administrative effectiveness of private vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok revealed that the administrative factors were positively related to administrative effectiveness among the private vocational colleges under the Commission on Vocational Education in Bangkok, statistically significant at .05 level.

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แย้มชุติ ว. (2018). The Relations between Management Factors and Effectiveness of Private Vocational Education Institution Management, under Vocational Education Commission Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(3), 118–129. retrieved from


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