Development of Sustainable Tourism at Kamala Sub-district and Kathu District, Phuket in Tourism Operators’ and Local Government Officers’ Perspective

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สุเทพ สิงห์ฆาฬะ


This research aimed to study the development of sustainable tourism in the context of tourism in Kamala sub-district and Kathu District, in Phuket to compare the approach to sustainable tourism development in the Kamala sub-district, Kathu District of Phuket by the status of the tourism operators and stakeholders of tourism and and to study the suggestions from the tourism operators and stakeholders of tourism to the sustainable tourism development in Kamala sub-district, Kathu district in Phuket. The sample consisted of 95 people from the tourism operators and the representative of local governments by purposive sampling. The used tool was the questionnaires. The data analysis was frequency, percentage, mean (x̅), Standard Deviation (SD), hypothesis tested by Chi - Square and One - way ANOVA. The research results showed that 1) The development of sustainable tourism rated the opinion in overall at the average level such as the environmental, the tourism conservation, the education and the raising awareness of tourism and the participation in planning of tourism development respectively except the development in tourism business which had the different opinion scores in overall at the high level. 2) The development on the sustainable tourism for stakeholders in tourism related in the same direction at the statistically significances at the 0.05 level. 3) The suggestions were that the government and the local governments should be the innovators to improve the policy on responsibilities by encouraging from the community or the tourism operators such as the accommodation entrepreneurs, tour operators, recreation entrepreneurs and other sectors in order to coordinate the occurred various activities including of the mutual assistance in preventing and conserving the natural resources and environmental etc.

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How to Cite
สิงห์ฆาฬะ ส. (2017). Development of Sustainable Tourism at Kamala Sub-district and Kathu District, Phuket in Tourism Operators’ and Local Government Officers’ Perspective. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(2), 127–136. retrieved from


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