Development of a Collaborative Network Model Enhancing Basic Education Quality: A Case of Phayao Model

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น้ำฝน กันมา


This research aimed at developing a collaborative network model to enhance the quality of basic education: A Case Study of Phayao Model. The instrument used was an interview, a questionnaire and After Action Review form. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean (x̅) and Standard Deviation (SD).
The research found that: 1) The collaborative network model to enhance the quality of basic education: A Case Study of Phayao Model, there were 4 components of collaborative network model to enhance the quality of basic education: the first component was the principle of the collaborative network, the second was the objective of collaborative network, the third was the role of committee of a collaborative network, the fourth was the operational process of a collaborative network and the suitable model as well as enhancing the quality of basic education was rated at the high level of feasibility and at the highest level all of utility. Moreover, the participation assisted to enhance the quality of basic education: A Case Study of Phayao Model showed that 1) all of the participants involved working and followed the role as assigned. 2) all of partnership were mutually collaboration and mutually beneficial relationship with all stakeholders and generated all of the operation by using the PDCA was appropriate and useful at a very high level (x̅ = 4.11, x̅ = 4.16). 3) The teaching methodology of the target school was as a whole at a high level. 4) The satisfaction of the members of a collaborative network model to enhance quality of basic education: A Case Study of Phayao Model showed the satisfaction of the operational network and obtained the benefits of cooperation and gained knowledge to development their future project.

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How to Cite
กันมา น. (2017). Development of a Collaborative Network Model Enhancing Basic Education Quality: A Case of Phayao Model. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(2), 103–115. Retrieved from


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