An Evaluation of Graduate Diploma Program in Teacher Profession in Rajapruk University

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์ชนม์นิภา วรกวิน


The purposes of this research were to evaluate the knowledge, understanding, satisfaction, performance and suggestion about organizing the graduate diploma program in teacher profession at Rajapruk University. The subjects were 139 graduates in the 2015 academic year, 56 administrator, 125 peers, and 220 students in the schools they taught. Random sampling was applied to select the subjects. Data was analyzed for percentages, mean (x̅), Standard Deviations (SD), and content analysis.
The findings revealed that the graduates increased their knowledge, understanding at high level (4.58) and satisfaction in 12 subjects at high level (4.83). Analysis of self - evaluation in performance, administrators, peers and their students were also at high level (4.40 - 4.62). Analysis of opinions and suggestions showed that the administrators, peers and the graduate gained better teaching technique, being more able to help other teachers and being more professional teachers. Their students concluded that the graduates had better teaching technique, and being able to give advice in every matter.

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How to Cite
วรกวิน ์. (2017). An Evaluation of Graduate Diploma Program in Teacher Profession in Rajapruk University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(2), 80–89. retrieved from


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