The Study of Students’ Learning Achievement for Business Finance Course in Cooperative Learning with Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD)

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กนกวรรณ วีระรัตนนุสรณ์


The objectives of this research were; 1) to compare students learning achievement before and after cooperative learning with Student Teams Achievement Division. and 2) to adjust students’ behavior for Business Finance course. The sample group of this research were 23 students who enrolled in Business Finance course for semester 1st academic year 2014. The research completed by using Course Specification, Pre - test, Post - test, Behavioral Observation Report and Class Participation Report. The researchers used percentage and average to analyze data. The study of the comparison of 2nd year Computer Business Program students learning achievement for Business Finance course integrated with Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) found that the students learning achievement were higher than before the program implemented. The study also found that students overall behavior after the integrated of STAD into teaching and learning were better than before which they were better in teamwork, giving opinions and responsibility for work. The Student Teams Achievement Division emphasize on students based learning and classroom atmosphere grouped the students in various capabilities in order to gain more team coordination which the outstanding students would help other students in learning as the members of the group focusing on the achievement of the group that they allocate the work to all members, increase interpersonal relationship and skills, exchange knowledge, self responsibility, positive interdependent and stimulate further learning.

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วีระรัตนนุสรณ์ ก. (2017). The Study of Students’ Learning Achievement for Business Finance Course in Cooperative Learning with Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(2), 31–42. retrieved from


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