Financial Discourse: Analysis of Loan TV Commercials

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ชนกพร อังศุวิริยะ


The objective of the study was to analyze a financial discourse on loan so as to reveal the points of view of the financial institutes. Data employed in this study was collected from fifty four advertising texts from television advertisements for loan from 2012 to 2015. The results of the study showed that there were three kinds of the characteristics of a financial discourse on loan; namely, 1) a financial institution as a financial assistant such as an opportunity provider, a hero 2) the positive views of the loan, such as quickly, easily, low interest rate, and 3) fulfilling the financial purposes such as helping a family for a financial problem, spreading investment, and meeting a financial need. The findings revealed that the view of a financial institute through the advertisements may lead Thai people who are confronting a financial difficulty to going into debt.

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อังศุวิริยะ ช. (2017). Financial Discourse: Analysis of Loan TV Commercials. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(1), 95–106. retrieved from


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