Efficiency and Effectiveness of Quality Assurance, Nakhon Phanom University in Academic year 2015

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อัญชลี พลอยเพ็ชร


This research aimed to study; 1) factors supporting the implementation of Quality Assurance 2) efficiency of Quality Assurance implementation 3) effectiveness of Quality Assurance implementation in Nakhon Phanom University in Academic year 2015. The samples used are 3 groups including; 1) executives who are dean, directors, deputy directors, head officers and department heads, 2) teachers who teach higher education and 3) supporting staffs. Purposive sampling was assigned which selects samples according to the research purposes. Questionnaires with 5 rating scales were used to collect data. Its reliability as Cronbach’s Alpha value equals 0.93. Statistics to be applied for data analysis are frequency, mean and standard deviation.

Its results reveal that 1) Factors supporting the QA implementation is at high level (mean = 3.74) when considering in each item, out of 17 items, it was found that the university has clearly set the policy in quality assurance with the highest mean (mean = 3.96) and there were changes in administration structures to suit with the burden of work with the least mean (mean = 3.53) 2) The efficiency of procedure in educational quality assurance is in the whole picture is in high level (mean = 3.71), when considering in each item out of 11 items, it was found that the set of organizational structure by hiring the agency to be responsible for the educational quality assurance with the highest mean (mean = 4.02), and there were ample of facility to support the educational quality assurance such as office facility, training to the personnel and students to know the knowledge of educational quality assurance levelly with the least mean (mean = 3.63) 3) Effectiveness of quality assurance was in the high level (mean = 3.74) when considering each item out of 10 items, it was found that these was conclusion in proceedings (SAR), in checking to internal educating al quality assurance by the university’s evaluators, connections annually with the highest mean (mean = 3.91) and could be identified the process of the use of processing in quality assurance whether level it was and it was brought the results to be used in improvements urgently with the least mean (mean = 3.63)

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How to Cite
พลอยเพ็ชร อ. (2018). Efficiency and Effectiveness of Quality Assurance, Nakhon Phanom University in Academic year 2015. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(1), 71–82. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/112548


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