The Influencing of Marketing Mix on Consumer Purchasing Pickup Truck

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ณัฐฐิพงษ์ ภาคีรักษ์
ฤทัยวรรณ ตัณฑุลอุดม
สุนีย์ วรรธนโกมล


This research aimed to study the consumers’ behavior and the factors in purchasing selection, to analyze the relationship of consumers’ demand and general status of sample population in purchasing selection and to compare son different marketing mix factors influencing on pickup truck purchasing selection. The sample population of this research is 384 people using pickup truck in Bangkok, Thailand. Research tools included questionnaire, data collected by interviews with the respondents who filled out manually and data analysis e.g. percentage, mean value, standard deviation, Chi-Square, t-test, ANOVA, paired comparison of Scheffé’s analysis and statistical analysis by program. The statistically significant level of this research was .05.


As a result, most population is male, 25-35 years old working as an officer in private company with the income of 20,000-40,000 Baht per month. The research found that behavior affecting pickup truck purchasing selection was an objective of usage in daily life. The affordable price for consumer is 6-8 hundred thousand baht. The most common payment method is to pay by installments with a bank. Consumer will search the internet for pickup truck specifications and details and take 1-3 months for making decision. The most interesting type of a pickup truck consists of four doors, two-wheel drive high, manual 2500cc diesel. The average marketing mix factors of sample population is at high level.


The relationship analysis of consumer demand and general status of sample population in purchasing selection shows that pickup truck demand depends on gender, age, monthly income as well as occupational status. The comparison of different marketing mix factors influencing on pickup truck purchasing selection shows that the overall image for gender, monthly income, occupational status were different. The overall image for age is not different.

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How to Cite
ภาคีรักษ์ ณ., ตัณฑุลอุดม ฤ., & วรรธนโกมล ส. (2017). The Influencing of Marketing Mix on Consumer Purchasing Pickup Truck. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(1), 60–70. retrieved from


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