Factors Influencing the Decision in Choosing Insurance against Loss of the Industrial Business Entrepreneur

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ภูดิศ จันเปียง
จิรวัฒน์ โชติช่วง
สุนีย์ วรรธนโกมล


This research objectives were; to study the behavior and the factors influencing the decision in choosing the insurance against loss of the industrial business entrepreneurs in the Marketing Mix (4P’s) – Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. The sampling group used in this research was 400 industrial business entrepreneurs. The tool used in this research was the questionnaire, collecting the data by the interview. The statistics used in the research were; the Percentage, Means, Standard Deviation, Chi-Square, t-test and One-way ANOVA determining the statistical significance at .05. The research result was found that most of questionnaire answerers respondents’ work places located in Bangkok and Metropolitan Area. They managed the textile/clothing business, with not more than 50 employees. The business was in the retail and wholesale types. The factor level of the marketing mix influencing the decision of buying insurance against loss in the whole picture was in ‘Much’ level. The analysis result of the relationship between the behaviors in buying the insurance against loss of the industrial business entrepreneurs found that their behaviors depended on the general business features – four items on location of the workplaces one item of the employee number and 3 items of the main business features. For the comparison of the difference of the factors influencing the decision in choosing the insurance against loss of the industrial business entrepreneurs found that the location of the work places, when compared individually, 30 items were found 17 items, for the industrial business, for 5 items the employee number, and 2 items for the main business features.

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How to Cite
จันเปียง ภ., โชติช่วง จ., & วรรธนโกมล ส. (2017). Factors Influencing the Decision in Choosing Insurance against Loss of the Industrial Business Entrepreneur. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(1), 49–59. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/112534


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