Legal Aid’s Service Quality of the Department of Civil Rights Protection and Legal Aid Attorney General Nonthaburi

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สุวัตถิ์ ไกรสกุล
จุฑาภรณ์ คงรักษ์กวิน


The purpose of this research is to study legal aid’s service quality of the department of civil rights protection and legal aid attorney general Nonthaburi, and to compare legal Aid’s service quality of the department of civil rights protection and legal aid attorney general Nonthaburi classified by personal factors. The sampling groups are 200 persons. The tool utilized in the study was a questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted by statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, it was found that:

1) The people have the opinions toward the services on legal assistance of Nonthaburi Office of People’s Rights Protection and Legal Assistance in the overall picture in a very high level. When considering it by an aspect, it is found that the aspect of responding to the needs of the service receivers is rated in the highest level which ranks in the first place while the aspect of the attentions on the service receivers, the aspect of the assurance and trust given to the service receivers, the aspect of physical services are seen to rank in the second place. 2) People having differences in sex had opinions towards of services legal aid’s service quality of the department of civil rights protection and legal aid attorney general Nonthaburi, with difference. As for people having differences in age, educational level, occupation, income, domicile, number of times seeking legal assistance in 1 year cycle had no differences toward the quality of services legal aid’s service quality of to the department of civil rights protection and legal aid attorney general Nonthaburi.

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How to Cite
ไกรสกุล ส., & คงรักษ์กวิน จ. (2017). Legal Aid’s Service Quality of the Department of Civil Rights Protection and Legal Aid Attorney General Nonthaburi. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(1), 37–48. retrieved from


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