The Equity of Environmental Policy in the Context of Development and Maintenance in Thailand: Case study of Klitee Village, Kanchanaburi Province

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ธนา ร่างน้อย


In 1996 – 1999 when The National Economic and Social Development Plan announced there was a cause of investment while opening the new industrial established. In contract, that development affected the natural resources especially the forest areas, 25.13 percent of total areas. That was minimum number of forest areas including the economic crisis of Thailand. These development factors were the cause of natural decadence. Case study of Klitee Village: Karen’s Village, at Kanchanaburi province, Thailand, which was affected from that investment – mining business which caused a trouble of natural decadence. Moreover, people who lived in the village were affected by chemical from that Mine and government lends a helping hand to the locals’ urgently. This article used the equity approach by Deborah A. Stone applied to describe the conceptual framework and analyzed the problem of Klitee village where a natural resources distribution problem especially the Klitee creek that water in the creek as public goods of equity. In this case, the equity approach applied to study and analyzed. The result was found that cause of problem was an allocation and distribution of natural resources inequity and not balanced. Moreover, the cause of this problem was the lack of sustainability and control of the utilization of the equity of the natural resource which had to be improved. Then, it should be remedy people who were affected urgently.

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ร่างน้อย ธ. (2017). The Equity of Environmental Policy in the Context of Development and Maintenance in Thailand: Case study of Klitee Village, Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(1), 11–24. retrieved from


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