The Influencing Promotional Strategies towards the Decision to study in Private University, International Programs

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ณัฐธยาน์ สมยูรทรัพย์


The objectives of this study were to study the influencing promotional strategies towards the decision to study in private university, international programs and to study the factors that influence the decision to study in private university, international programs including to compare the promotional strategies that influence the decision to study in private university, international programs clarified by demographic with in a different characteristics such as gender, school types and grade point average to show how they decide to study in private international universities, international programs.
Research Methodology: The sample consisted of the first year students who study in private university, international programs in Bangkok and metropolitan area by using of 400 Multi-stage Random Sampling which were utilized as the main data collection and using further analysis into statistical information by t-test and Anova.

Research findings were as follows: 1) Most of students focus on the promotional strategies which influence the decision to study in private university, international programs in Bangkok and metropolitan areas by overall are in a high level, and considering in each section, it shows that every factors have high levels especially the image of the brand is the first priority to choose to study in private university, international programs. Followed by the creation of the trust, brand differentiation, using media and using the celebrity testimonial consecutively.
The hypothesis test results found that 1) the difference of school types and study programs emphasize vary in image factor in deciding to study in different universities, international programs. 2) the influencing person in deciding of choosing international programs study vary, having use medias and the creation of credibility emphasize vary in the decision to study in private university, international programs.

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สมยูรทรัพย์ ณ. (2017). The Influencing Promotional Strategies towards the Decision to study in Private University, International Programs. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(3), 73–83. retrieved from


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