Factors Affecting the User’s Satisfaction of Video Content on Social Media

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อุษณีย์ ด่านกลาง
บุญญรัตน์ สัมพันธ์วัฒนชัย


The objective of this study is to study the influential factors that have an effect on satisfactions toward watching Social Media Video Content by selecting factors that being study in this research including demographics factors, behavioral factors, and the characteristics of the video content on social media. The research methodology on this research is using a questionnaire are a tool to collect data from 400 samples by convenience sampling All the data were collected through online (online questionnaire) on the Internet namely www.surveymonkey.com. Descriptive statistics include percentage, mean, and standard deviation as well as inferential statistics were used in analyzing the data and all hypotheses were tested by using t-test, F-test, and Multiple Regression Analysis. Research findings shows that the differences in demographic factors have no influence on this satisfaction when watching social media video content, while characteristics of video content on social media including types of product belong to video content, the content of the video, and channel of video content all have significant by influence on this viewing satisfaction, but product brand belongs to video content has no influence on viewing satisfaction. Lastly, for the behavioral factors, the finding shows that there is a significantly influence on this viewing satisfaction on one factor which is the frequency of watching video while the rest of behavioral factors: time period for this watching video and their objectives of watching the video have no significantly influence on viewing satisfactions.

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How to Cite
ด่านกลาง อ., & สัมพันธ์วัฒนชัย บ. (2018). Factors Affecting the User’s Satisfaction of Video Content on Social Media. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(2), 78–90. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/112415


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