The selection of electronic marketing services of small size hotels in Amphor Mueang Phuket Province

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ณิชชา ปะณะรักษ์


The objectives of this study were aimed to study the selection of electronic marketing services of small size hotels in Amphor Mueang Phuket Province and to compare the differences of hotel’s standard data in terms of the business category, the authorized capital, the number of employees, the yearly income and the length of operation affecting to the selection of electronic marketing service differently. The sample for this research was consisted of 227 samplers by using the theory of Taro Yamane. The research tool was questionnaire. Then the data was analyzed in the terms of Frequencies, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation by using statistic t-test, One-way Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference (LSD).
The study was founded that the majority of the sample was the limited partnership with the authorized capital of 5-10 million baht, with 10-20 employees, the yearly income 6-10 million baht and the length of operation 5-10 years. The important aspects of the selection of electronic marketing services of small size hotels in Amphor Mueang Phuket Province were all in high level : process, technology, people, distribution channel product, promotion physical evidence and price respectively. The hypothesis of research showed that the differences of business category, the yearly income, and the length of operation affecting to the selection of electronic marketing services of small size hotels in Amphor Mueang Phuket Province had no significant differences. On the other hand, the differences of authorized capital, number of employees affected to the selection of electronic marketing services of small size hotels in Amphor Mueang Phuket Province had statistically significant differences at .05.

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How to Cite
ปะณะรักษ์ ณ. (2016). The selection of electronic marketing services of small size hotels in Amphor Mueang Phuket Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(2), 45–55. retrieved from


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