Developing the competency of authentic assessment by using a series of learning activities and Project based for training authentic assessment in the students of Certificate in Teacher Professional Training Phranakhon Rajabhat University

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สุมนา โสตถิผลอนันต์


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the status, problems and needs of using a series of learning activities in authentic assessment, 2) study the efficiency of the series of learning activities for training authentic assessment, 3) evaluate the competency of authentic assessment after using a series of learning activities and project based, and 4) study the satisfy in learning activities. The 57 samples were selected purposively from the students of certificate in teacher professional training, in the semester 1 of academic year 2015. The research instruments were a series of learning activities for training authentic assessment and collecting the data were the scoring rubrics for competency of authentic assessment and the satisfy in learning activities questionnaire. The methodology consisted of four steps, Firstly studying the status, problems and needs of using a series of learning activities in authentic assessment. Secondly, developing a series of learning activities in authentic assessment by experts and to trial in students. Thirdly, learning through a series of learning activities and project based. And finally, evaluating the competency of authentic assessment and their satisfy in the learning activities. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviations, Frequency and percent
The results were found as follows: 1) The majority of students were 61.4 % never training experiences, had a lot of problems and needs in using a series of learning activities for authentic assessment; 2) The efficiency of a series of learning activities that verified by rating the experts and the students And ; 3) The 43.86% of the students had good competency, after learning through a series of learning activities and project based. The students were very satisfied after learning through a series of learning activities and project based.

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โสตถิผลอนันต์ ส. (2016). Developing the competency of authentic assessment by using a series of learning activities and Project based for training authentic assessment in the students of Certificate in Teacher Professional Training Phranakhon Rajabhat University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(2), 32–44. retrieved from


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