Stimulating Factors for the Research Work of the Academic-Supporting Line Personnel of King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

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สมภพ ทองปลิว


The universities have the policy to promote the academic-supporting line personnel to do the research work, together with their regular work, for their own benefit to have experience and increase the ability limit more than the usual work. However, from the statistics, there were only few numbers of academic-supporting line personnel who did the research. The researcher studied the factors which partly stimulated the research work of King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok academic-supporting line personnel. The research objectives were 1) to study the factors which affected the decision-making to do or not to do the research of these personnel and 2) to study the problems of the personnel in the academic-supporting line in doing the research. The research process. The population used in this research was the academic-supporting line personnel of King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok. The control group was 171 randomly- selected personnel. The tool used in this research was the questionnaire of reasons and factors which partly stimulated the research-doing of these personnel.
The result showed that 1) the reason the answerers wanted to do the research work was that they wanted the experience with their co-researchers 2) the reason they did not want to do the research was that they lacked the knowledge in starting the project work.

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How to Cite
ทองปลิว ส. (2016). Stimulating Factors for the Research Work of the Academic-Supporting Line Personnel of King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(2), 21–31. retrieved from


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