Human Resource Management in Food Business SMEs Yaowarach Area

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ภัทรานิษฐ์ ศุภกิจโกศล


The objectives of this research were: to study and to compare the perception of the customers regarding Food Business SMEs Yaowarach Area, to study human resource management in Food Business Yaowarad Area and proposing the way of developing the human resource management of Food Business SMEs Yaowarach Area. The samples in this study consisted of 400 customers. The methods of this research were interview and questionnaires. The statistic measurements were Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results of this research were as follows:
1) The perception of customers regarding overall service were rate at a high level in characteristic of food business employees, process, and services management quality. 2) The results of services comparison founded that the differences of sex, age, and career provides similar perception of the service; while the differences of income, expense, and frequency of using service provides different perception of the service with the significant of .05 3) Human resource management of entrepreneurs regarding recruitment from both outside and inside was not too complicated. The training programs were provided. The compensation complies with the government’s declaration of minimum wage. The safety management for the employees and Using on the job training by the current employees. 4) The way of developing the human resource management of Food Business. The entrepreneurs must have knowledge about resource management processes. Each qualifying position as a system. And a set of evaluation criteria in clear transparent.

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How to Cite
ศุภกิจโกศล ภ. (2016). Human Resource Management in Food Business SMEs Yaowarach Area. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(3), 107–115. retrieved from


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