Proficiency Development Project of Personal Responsible for Training and Testing the Driving License Applicants for the Fiscal Year 2555

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กรเอก กาญจนาโภคิน


The objective of this research was for proficiency developing of the Department of transport’s personals whose were responsible for training and testing driving license applicants to have important knowledge for safety driving. Research framework was compared project plans that approval from research committee. The project assessment was investigated how the process plan appropriate for success implementation. The research sampling group was 366 employees that respond in training and testing project of an applicant for a driver’s license. Researcher was research tools development from applied conceptual framework of Denail L. Stufflebeam and used CIPP model for analysis and evaluated results. The research tools have 4 contain . The research tools input, process, output, context analysis and evaluated. The qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis from document survey project and quantitative data from questionnaire were analyzed by using Percentage.
The research results were as follows: Fact Findings on input factors the project selected 366 trainees from 692 nationwide trainees. It was cover 52.89 percentage of population. Fact Findings on process factors shown value of project average score = 0.92 by each part of score consisted of resource efficiency = 0.92, effectiveness = 0.95, utilization = 0.89, ability to carry out the project = 0.91 respectively. Fact Findings on output factors that Program No. 1 (Trainees can drive) all 300 trainees pass theoretical and practice examination and Program No. 2 (Trainees cannot drive) all 66 trainees pass theoretical and practice examination as well. On the context of project, how important of project and clear on project objectives has correlation with activity that support road safety project planning.

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How to Cite
กาญจนาโภคิน ก. (2016). Proficiency Development Project of Personal Responsible for Training and Testing the Driving License Applicants for the Fiscal Year 2555. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(3), 36–47. retrieved from


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