Perception and participation of lecturer, Faculty of management sciences Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Faculty of business administration Rajapruk University, in quality assurance

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พนิดา วัชระรังษี
พัชร พิลึก


The objectives of this research were to study and compare lecturers’ perception and participation level of quality assurance in Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University and Ratchaphruek College. The populations groups of 103 people were collected from lecturers in Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University and Ratchaphruek College. The statistical analysis lecturers were frequency distribution, percentage of variable, mean
and standard deviation
The analysis results found that most of the respondents were female. They had a master’s degree and their academic level as lecturer. Their work experience was more than 5 years and 3 months. The research reviews the perception and participation levels on quality assurance in higher education. When considering overall, and each of quality assurance elements, It was found that their perception and participation level in the second elements: graduated were at the highest average, whereas the eight element Financial was lowest.
In summary, a comparison of the populations’ general data with perception and participation levels of quality assurance. It was found that both perception and participation levels were female more than male, level of education, Ph.D. higher than Mater Degree and academic level Assistant Professor higher than lecturer. Only the first element was found that the lecturer’s perception average is higher than Assistant Professor. The relation between the perception and participation of population. The overall the perception and the participation, Quality assurance was unidirectional. When considering by the elements, it was found that every elements was unidirectional. Whereas the seventh element was the highest and the fourth element is the lowest.

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How to Cite
วัชระรังษี พ., & พิลึก พ. (2015). Perception and participation of lecturer, Faculty of management sciences Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Faculty of business administration Rajapruk University, in quality assurance. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(2), 93–103. retrieved from


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