Relationship between Personality Type by Jung Typology Test™and Major selected by Business Administration students of Rajapruk University

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พรประภา ศรีราพร


The objectives of this research were to study personalities of Business Administrative students of Rajapruk University and to find relationships between those personalities with each Business Administrative fields selected by these students at the beginning of admission. Population was students taking 4 years course in a faculty of Business Administration. There were 819 students in the first semester of 2557. The sample group was found by Stratified Random Sampling into 260 students exactly and there were 244 questionnaires turning back as 07.60 % from 250 given. The research tools were questionnaires with Likert scale and Jung Typology Test™ in Thai language.
The results illustrated that, in the Management field, students had qualified by the average of 3.64 and pointed out that they were enthusiastic and willing to find new ideas. In the Computer field, students had qualified by the average of 3.68 pointing out that they mostly liked sport and they were risk takers even though their characteristics could not be related to their future careers, be quiet and be calm. In Logistics field, students had qualified by the average of 3.76 displaying that they were most likely to be honest and be a good guards. In the Hotel field, students had qualified by the average of 3.96 demonstrating that they had service minds and good interpersonal skills. In the last field, marketing students had qualified by the average of 3.76. They were flexible and were able to solve unexpected problems suitably.

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How to Cite
ศรีราพร พ. (2018). Relationship between Personality Type by Jung Typology Test™and Major selected by Business Administration students of Rajapruk University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(2), 60–69. retrieved from


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