The Decision Factors to work at Singburi Sugar Industry of Employees Whose Family has Agriculture Occupy

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ธาดา เชื้อมอญ


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the decision factors to working at Singburi sugar industry of employees whose family has agricultural occupy. 2) to compare the decision factors to working at Singburi sugar industry of employees whose family has agricultural occupy with personal factors. The samples sizes of this research were 219 members of Singburi sugar industrial of employees, and 10 farmers to in depth interview. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by using SPSS. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and Scheffe’ test statistically significant was set at .05 levels.
The result of this research the Decision Factors to Working at Singburi sugar industry founded that: Push factors consisted economic factors was high level and social factors was moderate level while, pull factors was moderate level in economic and social. The Hypothesis testing found that the employees’ personal factors in terms of age, education level, members of family, land ownership, hometown which were all different in terms of decision factors with statistical significance at .05 level. Therefore, personal factors included sex, marital status and the persuade person were not different in factors decision.

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How to Cite
เชื้อมอญ ธ. (2015). The Decision Factors to work at Singburi Sugar Industry of Employees Whose Family has Agriculture Occupy. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(2), 36–47. retrieved from


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