Relationship between Work Stress and Work Efficiency of Waste Collectors in Municipal Areas of Nonthaburi Province

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รักพงศ์ พยัคฆาคม
อาณัติ ต๊ะปินตา


This research focused on the study of relationship between work stress and work
efficiency of waste collectors in various municipal areas of Nonthaburi province. It
also aimed to compare the difference between work stress and work efficiency
depending on personal factors of sample group which included sex, age, income and
welfare, family composition, job position, years of employment and numbers of shift.
The sample size of this study was 251 waste collectors. Questionnaires were used as
the equipment for data collection together with statistical methods (mean, standard
deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient) for data analysis.
The result of the study, it were found that 1) Samples whose different sex, family
composition, job position and numbers of shift had not statistical difference in work
stress but those whose different age, income & welfare, and years of employment had
statistical difference in work stress at the significant level of .01 2) Samples whose
different sex, job position and numbers of shift had not statistical difference in work but
those whose different age, income & welfare, family composition and years of
employment had statistical difference in work efficiency at the significant level of .01,
and 3) There was significant reverse relationship between work stress and work efficiency
of waste collectors (r = -0.574). It means that when work stress increase, work efficiency
will decrease. On the other hand, when work stress decrease, work efficiency will

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How to Cite
พยัคฆาคม ร., & ต๊ะปินตา อ. (2015). Relationship between Work Stress and Work Efficiency of Waste Collectors in Municipal Areas of Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(1), 67–78. retrieved from


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