The English Instructional Materials Development on Cultures of ASEAN Countries for Tourist Guides

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บุญพา คำวิเศษณ์


The objectives of research were to develop and examine the efficiency of English instructional materials on ASEAN country cultures for tourist guides, compare students’ English learning achievement on ASEAN country cultures and study students’ opinions toward the developed materials. Thirty eight undergraduate students majoring in hotel and tourism management, who enrolled in English for Tourist Guide in the second semester academic year 2014 at Rajapruk University were purposively selected, the instruments used for this research were eight lessons developed by the researcher. An English reading test was used as a pre-test and post-test, and thirty questionnaires were used to gather the students’ opinions on the effectiveness of the eight lessons. The t-test was utilized to analyze the data in order to measure the subjects’ ability before and after using the lessons. The mean and standard deviation of the questionnaire scores were used to measure the students’ opinions toward the lessons
The results of this research were as follows: The effectiveness of the English Instructional materials was 74.00/76.32.This means that the efficiency of the lessons was at the acceptable level for the average of the formative test scores and at the good level for the students’ ability after using the lessons was significantly higher at the 0.05 level and the students’ opinions toward the eight English lessons on ASEAN country cultures were highly positive.

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How to Cite
คำวิเศษณ์ บ. (2015). The English Instructional Materials Development on Cultures of ASEAN Countries for Tourist Guides. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(1), 31–42. retrieved from


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