Effects of Mobile Application Service Quality on Lazada Customer Satisfaction in Thailand
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This research was aimed to test the effects of mobile application service quality on Lazada customer satisfaction in Thailand. The researcher chose to study the population and sample at the ages between 20 - 58 years old, who experienced using the Lazada mobile application service in Thailand. There are 240 samples answered the online questionnaire using a purposive sampling method. The data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and tested the hypothesis using Multiple Regression Analysis at the level of statistical significance of .05. The results showed that the mobile application service quality in terms of responsiveness, content, and reliability had a relation and positive effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, mobile application service quality in terms of contact, design and efficiency were related but did not affect the customer’s satisfaction. According to the result, the Lazada mobile application marketing executives in Thailand should emphasize the quality of mobile application services as a guideline for businesses to achieve organizational objectives and have good performance in both short term and long term.
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