Building Loyalty through Self-congruence and Experiences for Cultural Festival: A Case Study of International Silk Festival “Pook-xiao” Tradition, and Red Cross Fair in Khon Kaen Province
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This research aimed to investigate the relationship among self-congruence, experiences, satisfaction, and loyalty of cultural festival participants in Khon Kaen Provinces.This research was a quantity research, the data was collected the from 500 participants in international silk festival, “Pook-xiao” tradition, and Red Cross fair in Khon Kaen Province. The data was analyzed using a confirmatory factor analysis and a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings revealed that the self-congruence correlated with the satisfaction through the building experiences. In addition, the results also showed that the loyalty was influenced by the satisfaction toward the cultural festival participation. The result of this research can be used by organizers to design and communicate through the advertisement and the promotion to attract the actual identity and the most suitable target.
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