Factors Influencing Thai Customer Loyalty Towards a Thailand Based Airlines Company

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Krisana Kitcharoen


        The objective of this research is to determine the key factors influencing to loyalty towards Thailand based airlines company and to identify factors influencing Thai customer loyalty. This research project conducts a survey examining factors influencing customer loyalty in which relates to customer satisfaction, emotional experience, Electronic Word of Mouth and brand reputations of Thailand based airlines company. The population and sample size studies are Thai customers, who experienced in flying with Thailand based airlines. The samples (n = 424) were collected from online questionnaires by applying a convenience sampling method. The data analysis was examined by structural equation modeling as for confirming the model’s appropriation and for testing the hypotheses. The research’s results suggested that brand reputations strongly influenced to customer loyalty towards the demand of service in Thailand based airlines. In addition, brand reputations determined  customer loyalty, whereas all factors also significantly influenced to to customer loyalty towards the demand of airline service. This research specifically analyzed brand loyalty of Thai customers, who might have alternative experience in flying with other airlines only with a particular Thailand based airline. As such, the future research might highlight the customers’ experiences in exploring other international branding airlines. The research applications will be helpful for promoting a better understanding between the airline business company/the owner and the customers. Moreover, some findings relating to factors influencing to customer loyalty in the national airline business  can improve effective management of customer relations of the airline company.


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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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