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Sillpaporn Srijunpetch
Panapat Tirapongsan


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the rotation of auditor and earnings management, using 249 Firm-Year in The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) during 2011 to 2016 (6 years). The rotation of auditor could be divided into 2 levels: audit rotation and audit firm rotation (FR), and discretionary accruals were calculated, based on Modified Jones Model (1995), as a proxy of earnings management. The results of this study indicated that the rotation of auditor at both levels was not significantly correlated with the magnitude of earnings management (absolute value of discretionary accruals). However, the study found that the leverage and the type of audit firm had a significant negative relationship to discretionary accruals. The company's losses also had a significant positive relationship to earnings management.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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