The Isan Folk Music: Influence on Human Changes

Main Article Content

Vich Boonrod


The mechanism between music and humans is a scientific process of sound waves composed with frequencies that transferred through human bodies and resulted in heartbeats and body’s chemical process. This affects both human’s physical and mental functions as well as cultural and lifestyle changes.

This article presents the influences of Isan (Northeastern) folk music, the valuable culture of Thai people as the integration of Thai and Laotian traditions. This kind of music originates the Isan-style folk music or Mor Lam which contains joyful rhythms and responds personal emotions and feelings. It also effectively induces changes on human’s two major aspects: 1) culture and lifestyle changes; and 2) health and mind changes.

Article Details

บทความวิชาการ (Academic article)
Author Biography

Vich Boonrod, Naresuan University

Dr.Vich Boonrod

Department of Music

Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University

Muang District, Phitsanulok Province 65000 THAILAND

Telephone: (+66) 55962121 , 0804191335

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