Development of learning activities for Thai music of Mathayomsuksa 2 students according to Simpson’s skills development

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The purposes of research were  1)  to develop Thai music learning activities of secondary school students. Year 2, according to the concept of Simpson's practical skills development With efficiency according to the criteria 80/80  2) to find the effectiveness index of organizing learning activities of Thai music, according to Simpson's practical skills development Of Mathayom Suksa 2  3)  to study the satisfaction of Mathayom Suksa 2 students who learned by learning activities, according to developing Simpson's practical skills. The sample group used in this research was Mathayom Suksa 2 students at Phrabatnasingpittayakhom School, Rattanawapi District, Nong Khai Province, affiliated with Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 21, 1st semester, academic year 2018, 1 classroom, 24 students. The tools used in this research are  :  1) Learning plan, according to the concept of Simpson's 10 practical skills development. 2) Learning achievement test of Ankhalung Band, 30 items, with the power of discrimination from 0.45 to 0.67 and the confidence of the whole test is 0.85.  3)  Assessment form for recording playing Thai music and  4) The satisfaction of students studying according to the concept of developing Simpson's practical skills. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation.

            The results of the study  were as follows:  1)  Learning management plan according to Simpson's practical skills development have an efficiency of 83.59 / 84.72  2)  The effectiveness index of the art learning management plan according to Simpson's practical skills development, is equal to 0.7746  and  3)  Students studying with the art learning plan according to Simpson's practical skills development were satisfied at the highest level. When considering each item, it was found that giving the opportunity to ask questions has the highest mean, followed by students who like to get showing initiative. And students like to study through speaking, listening and performing respectively.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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