Discriminant analysis of factors influencing to organic rice cultivation and not using organic agriculture Nong Bot Subdistrict, Nang Rong District, Buriram Province

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รินทร์หทัย กิตติ์ธนารุจน์


This research aims to 1) to analyze  classification factors influencing farmers' rice.  2) to create equations, classification in predicting success as a member of the farmers that grow organic rice or rice does not use organic samples used in research include farmers planting rice, organic or not organic rice planting using the number 381 people, which are divided into 2 groups : farmer’s Organic rice grown in number of 129 people and agriculture growing rice does not use organic number 252 people in research tools include query contains the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient  equals 0.843. Statistics data analysis include percentage, average, standard deviation, and Discriminant analysis procedures Stepwise Method.

The research found that 1), factors that can distinguish the organic rice grown using organic farming, and to not include sex, age, marital status, level of education, experience, occupational conditions, land, distribution of agricultural products, farmers, social status, a person with knowledge of organic rice. , You can use natural methods or any other natural material to deal with problem weeds in fields without using medicine to kill the grass, you can use natural methods or any other natural material. In order to deal with problems in the rice plant hopper by using no chemicals, pest control, much of the use of chemicals in rice planting and removal of plant insect pests affecting much of health, information, news, influential in deciding the organic rice grown much, organic rice can help to reduce soil and water destroyed the integrity of much of 2) 13 variables, variables can be classified group of farmers is the correct equation for 95.8 percent of the group in the classification by points, and the standard format for raw-score as follows :

While the predictive equation  in  from  of  raw  scores was:


While the predictive equation  in  from  of  standard  scores was:


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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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