State of Utilization, Problem, Need, and Development Guideline in the area of Lam Dome Noi River Basin, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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เสรี - แท่นงา


       This survey research aimed to study the state of utilization, problem, need and development guideline in the area of Lam Domes Noi River basin in Ubon Ratchathani province. 394 people were reckoned as the sample by simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires were used to collect data and analyzed frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation.The findings were that 1) the majority of people (70.30%) acquired beneficial use of Lam Dome Noi River by fishing or other aquatic animalม 2) on average, regarding water pollution the Lam Dome Noi was found shallow, chemical contaminated, riverside or shore erosion, dead fish or aquatic animal of unknown origin, static electricity fishing, and wastewater. Conservation and aquaculture in Lam Dome Noi river, Lam Dome Noi water harvesting for agriculture were mostly required developing guidelines included  promoting participation of all concerned agencies in watershed management and Lam Dome Noi basin conservation, zoning aquatic animal conservation area, monitoring and preventing shallow-water and flood problem, monitoring and preventing wastewater problem, monitoring and preventing water quality and chemical contamination, building the bridge across the river, paving roads, and allocating areas of land for leisure and recreation, developing the basin area as the eco-cultural tourism place, promoting organic agriculture, traditional fishing, and developing riverside-open market along the river, and strengthening awareness and consciousness on Lam Dome Noi conservation amid people and youths

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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