The Development of a Teacher Training Curriculum on Multigrade Classroom Learning Management in Small-sized Schools under Sakon Nakhon Educational Service Area Office 1

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Kiattiphum Masaengsom



              This research aimed to develop and examine a causal relationship model of factors influencing to effectiveness of graduate diploma in teacher profession curriculum with the empirical data. The study was conducted in 2 phases. The first phase was the conceptual framework construction by a study of relevant to documents and researches and a focus group discussion of specialists. The second phase was the hypothesis examination by a questionnaire with five rating scale at the reliability of 0.96 (in all issue).  The research was carried out with 312 student samples of graduate diploma in teacher profession which were obtained by stratified random sampling. The statistic used for analyzing data was frequency, percentage, mean ( ) and standard deviation (S.D.) and LISREL program in Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA and Congruence Analysis between hypothesis model and empirical data.

            The findings were as follow : The developed causal relationship model of factors influencing to eEffectiveness of graduate diploma in teacher profession curriculum composed of institutional capacity, lecturer characteristics, graduate student characteristics and environmental. The causal relationships of model constructed hod fit with the empirical data by considering from c2=113.49, df =  68, p-value = 0.00   GFI = 0.95, AGFI = 0.92 and  RMSEA = 0.40. The factor of graduate student characteristic had significantly in directed influence to effectiveness of graduate diploma in teacher profession curriculum in “very much”

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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