The Marketing Mix That Affects the Selection of Private Hospital Services of the Inpatients in Samut Prakan Province

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ปัญจพล เหล่าทา
ฉัตรชัย ลอยฤทธิวุฒิไกร
เสาวภา มีถาวรกุล


The research aimed to study 1) the marketing mix strategies for choosing private hospital services; (2) the reasons to choose private hospital inpatient in Samut Prakan; 3) the relationship between personal factors and the reasons to choose private hospital inpatient and 4) the relationship between marketing mix strategies and the reasons to choose private hospital inpatient in Samut Prakan province.

This research was a  survey study. The population was users of inpatient department in private hospitals in Samut Prakan province with unknown number.The sample size was determined with 95% confidence interval to be 400. The data collection used two-stage sampling method. The research instrument was  questionnaire. Data analysis with descriptive statistics was frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and with inferential statistics was Chi-square test and Pearson's correlation coefficient

               The research found that 1) marketing mix strategies for choosing private hospital patients.
The overall strategies was high level. Considering each aspect, the highest level was the service mix and the least level was the promotion mix; 2) For the reasons for choosing private hospital inpatient,
The overall was at the highest level. Considering each aspect, the highest average was the feeling that the illness will be cured or reduced from doctor and nurse care. The lowest average was the speed of service 3) the relationship between personal factors and the reasons to choose private hospital inpatient from data analysis revealed that personal factor of education, monthly salary and medical scheme related with reasons to choose private hospital inpatient with statistically significant relationship at 0.05 level 4) the relationship between marketing mix strategies and the reasons to choose private hospital inpatient was positive direction and  revealed that the product, the personnel/ service provider and the service process mixes were related in high level. The price effectiveness and the physical evidence mixes were related in moderate level. The price mix has related in the lowest level.


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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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