Effects of Physical Activity Program on Health-Related Physical Fitness among Grade 4-6 Students in Ban-Don-Yanang School, Nakhon Phanom Province
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The purposes of this research were to study effected of physical activities training with the health-related physical fitness in primary school students. The samples which research were 37 students in primary school (semester, 2017) at Donyanang School, Nakhonphanom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, by using the purposive sampling. This research was design Quasi-experimental in this study. The research tools were the physical activity program and health-related physical fitness test. The lengths of training were 4 weeks, 4 days a weeks, 60 minutes for each day. The statistical analysis were used in this research are percentage, average and standard deviation for comparing the difference of the average dependent samples t-test scores of the health-related physical fitness. The test was before and after 4 weeks training program. The statistical significance at .05 level for both pre-test and post-test.
Research findings the used of physical activity program for the 4 weeks could significantly improve health-related physical fitness of students in muscle endurance and agility fields at .05 level. Physical fitness for muscle strength, flexibility, and cardio-respiratory endurance have improved but not different.
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