Strategic Leadership of School Administrators Affecting the Learning Organization of Schools in the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 3

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Angsumalin Kulchawa


    The purpose of this research was 1) to study the strategic leadership of school administrators,     2) to study the learning organization of schools, and 3) to construct a predictive equation of the learning organization of schools in the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3. The sample size for this study calculated from Taro Yamane’s formula comprised of 34 school administrators and 303 teachers. The research instrument used for collecting the data was a five – point rating scale questionnaire. Statistical analysis of the data included frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression.

    Research results showed as follows: 1) The strategic leadership of school administrators in the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3 as an overall and each aspect were at a high level.      2) The learning organization of schools in the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3 as an overall and each aspect were at a high level. 3. To construct a predictive equation of the learning organization of schools in the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3, it was found that the implementing strategy (X3), control and evaluation strategy (X4), strategic planning (X2), and organization direction (X1) could mutually explain the variance of the learning organization of schools in the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3 for 62.9 percent with statistical significance at .01 level. The predictive regression equations were as follows.

Raw score regression equation:

= 1.051 + .293X3 + .171X2 + .170X4 + .125X1

Standard score regression equation:

= .341zx333 + .203zx4 + .191zx2 + .134zx1

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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