A Development of Blended Learning Lesson on the Innovative Media and Information Technology for Education Course, Faculty of Education, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University

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ลักขณา สุกใส


This research were 1) to study context and pattern of development of local curriculum innovation “Pan Din Tihn Rak Chaiyaphum”, 2) to design and develop a local curriculum innovation“Pan Din Tihn Rak Chaiyaphum”, 3) to bring innovative local curriculum " Pan Din Tihn Rak Chaiyaphum" and 4) to Satisfaction with local wisdom of primary 5-6 students. The research and development Statistics used; Percentage, mean, standard deviation and the hypothesis test using a t-test (dependent sample).The research found that   2)The local curriculum “Pan Din Tihn Rak Chaiyaphum”comprised 7elements with good qualities; among these elements,the community participation received the highest level 4.63 3)The implementation of the local curriculum“Pan Din Tihn Rak Chaiyaphum” revealed that the post-test scores were significantly higher that the pre-test scores at .05 and4) The Satisfaction with local wisdom of primary5-6 students that managed to learn by local curriculum "Pan Din Tihn Rak Chaiyaphum" on the Internet. The overall level is very high. The mean was 3.76

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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