Household Energy Requirements and CO2 Emissions In Thailand

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Onicha Meangbua


This study employs energy input-output and structural decomposition analyses (SDA) to assess the overall role of economy-wide household consumption on energy-related CO2 emissions in Thailand. Over the 1995-2015 period, findings indicate that household energy requirements and associated CO2 emissions, constituted the second-largest contributor to emissions in Thailand, trailing only the export sector and there was a trend of continuously increase throughout the study period. The research considered the factors driving change using the SDA method through 3 driving factors: 1) Intensity Effect 2) Leontief Effect and 3) Final Demand Effect. It was found that the final demand effect, representing the economic context, was the primary driver of changes in energy-linked emissions (83.34%) in Thai households from 1990 to 2015. The Leontief effect (11.37%) and energy intensity effect (5.29%) also contributed to increased energy demand. Notably, the final demand effect was a significant factor in raising CO2 emissions in Thai households. While technological advancements and intensity improvements reduced household CO2 emissions, they were insufficient to counterbalance the emissions driven by final demand. In summary, this study underscores the crucial role of household consumption in driving energy-linked emissions in Thailand. It highlights the need for targeted policies to align consumption patterns with sustainability objectives and leverage technology for effective household carbon emissions reduction.

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How to Cite
Meangbua, O. . (2023). Household Energy Requirements and CO2 Emissions In Thailand. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(2), 281–312. retrieved from
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