Workation: Definition, Characteristics And Perspective Of Opportunity And Challenge In Thailand

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Paramet Damchoo
Theephob Khueanmueang
Thiticha Dee-aim


Workation is a group of tourists who do remote work. There is an increasing number after the coronavirus crisis. The group travels to tourist destinations for work and leisure at the same time. Workation is helping to create a work life balance and wellbeing. The benefit to the organization is loyalty, increased employee engagement, helping retain talented employees and increasing work efficiency. Resignation and absenteeism decreased. However, workation is similar in characteristics to digital nomad tourists. The purpose of this article is to study the meaning of Workation, differences between Workation and Digital Nomads, Components of Workation, analyze opportunities and challenges of Workation in Thailand and suggestions for Workation. The analysis in the article found that there are 8 types of differences between workation and digital nomad, which are: 1) Length of time to work off-site; 2) After active workation; 3) working style; 4) purpose of travel; 5) Destination characteristics; 6) Work environment; 7) flexibility of work; and 8) Post Trip.. The components of Workation are divided into 5 components as follows: 1) Employee, 2) Employer, 3) Internet systems and information systems;   4) Co-Working space; and 5) Accommodation. Thailand is a country with opportunities and challenges to develop into a destination for workation. Relevant government organisations must adjust to accommodate this group of tourists. The government should issue policies to promote workation, develop internet networks construction, provide accommodations with remote-working features, and offer transportation services from hotels and facilities such as co-working space.

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How to Cite
Damchoo, P. ., Khueanmueang, T. ., & Dee-aim, T. . (2023). Workation: Definition, Characteristics And Perspective Of Opportunity And Challenge In Thailand . Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(2), 251–280. retrieved from
Academic Article


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