E-Servicescape Influencing Thai Tourists’ Loyalty in Online Travel Agents

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จิตรลดา ปิ่นทอง


Online bookings of accommodation and hotels have increased drastically in recent years. The trustworthiness and responsiveness of different customers’ needs can impact on satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, understanding of electronic servicescape (e-servicescape) factors of online travel agents (OTAs) remain unclear and limited prior research has been examined. Therefore, the purpose of this research was: 1) to study factors of e-servicescape which consisted of aesthetic appeal, spatial layout, and functionality and privacy and security; and 2) to develop and validate the conformity of the structural equation model to OTAs application users' satisfaction and loyalty. The data was collected using questionnaires from 450 tourists in Chonburi. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the structural equation modelling (SEM) were applied to analyze the data.The results presented that the causal relationship model of e-servicescape influencing satisfaction and loyalty was consistent with empirical data at a good level: c2/df=2.905, CFI=0.950, TLI=0.943, RMSEA=0.065. Therefore, the findings indicated that aesthetic appeal, spatial layout and functionality and privacy and security of e-servicescape had a significant positive effect on tourists’ satisfaction and loyalty. Based on the results of the finding, this model could be applied as guideline for accommodation entrepreneurs to develop mobile application to meet customers’ needs. Also, privacy and security of online users should be more of a concern.

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How to Cite
ปิ่นทอง จ. (2022). E-Servicescape Influencing Thai Tourists’ Loyalty in Online Travel Agents. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 9(1), 49–72. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/msj/article/view/254367
Research Article


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