The Digital Literacy and Learning through Human Resource Development Method that Affecting the Operational Effectiveness of Agencies under the Office of the Courts of Justice Region 8

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Pimprae Srisawat


Digital skills are important skills that government personnel should develop and use for maximum benefit in their work. This research aimed to investigate the level of existing digital literacy, the opinion towards learning through human resource development method, the operational effectiveness, and also examine the influence of digital literacy and opinion toward learning through human resource development method on the operational effectiveness of the agencies under the Office of the Courts of Justice Region 8. The samples were 283 government officials, employees, and officers of these agencies. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire with a confidence level of .979. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis was used as the statistical test. The results show that the digital literacy level is very high in all areas. In addition, the opinions toward learning through human resource development method, overall is on the highest level while the operational effectiveness level is also at the highest level. Furthermore, the digital literacy and the opinion toward learning through human resource development method can predict the operational effectiveness of the agencies for 63.3 percent. The prediction model is Y = 1.063+(-0.134) (X1)+0.279 (X5)+0.171(X6)+0.233(X9). The results of this study may be useful as an implication for human resource development and the operational effectiveness for the agencies under the Office of the Courts of Justice Region 8 in order to be the digital court of justice in the near future.

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How to Cite
Srisawat, P. (2022). The Digital Literacy and Learning through Human Resource Development Method that Affecting the Operational Effectiveness of Agencies under the Office of the Courts of Justice Region 8. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 9(1), 73–92. retrieved from
Research Article


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