Development of Information System for Receiving-Evaluating Articles Publishing in NRRU Community Research Journal

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รุจิรา ริคารมย์


     The purpose of this research was to develop an information system and evaluate the efficiency and satisfaction of users with an information system for receiving evaluation articles for publishing in NRRU Community Research Journal. The research was used for development to solve the problem and meet the needs of users in accordance with the concept of SDLC development cycle. The main tools were Web application development languages including PHP and Java script based on HTML commands and MySQL data management. This was a mixed methods research study and in order to facilitate the data collection, the target groups were selected by a purposive method and consisted of 3 R&D executives, 2 IT specialists, and 39 subscribers. The instruments of the study comprised sets of interviews, evaluation form about the specialist system, and evaluation form about the satisfaction of the system users. The IOC was 0.82. Analysis of qualitative data was by focus group, summing of the issues, and analysis of quantitative data was by average and standard deviation.
    The results of the research were as follows: 1) A system was developed for receiving and evaluating articles for publication in the NRRU Community Research Journal. There were 4 subsystems (i) member management system (ii) evaluation system manager (iii) management system and (iv) report status system; 2) overall information system efficiency and aspects are at a good level and; 3) an overall satisfaction of users was at a fair level.

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How to Cite
ริคารมย์ ร. (2019). Development of Information System for Receiving-Evaluating Articles Publishing in NRRU Community Research Journal. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 6(1), 177–198. retrieved from
Research Article


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