Perceptions and Factors Affecting Retailed Delivered Services in Modern Trade

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ธีรวีร์ วราธรไพบูลย์
โสพิศ คำนวณชัย


     This research aimed to study the perceptions of consumers about the factors affecting delivery service and compare the requirements of retail delivered services. A sample of 1,000 costumers was randomly selected from populations in Bangkok and the nearby vicinity. The descriptive statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Inferential statistics ANOVA.
     The results show that consumers perceive mail delivery service the most at 79.5 percent,and 4.0 percent from retailers. The factors affecting retail delivered services were saving money,convenience and quirkiness. When comparing customer requirements from 5 retail shops it was found that each retailer had a significant difference in demand for delivery services at 0.05 significant level.

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วราธรไพบูลย์ ธ., & คำนวณชัย โ. (2019). Perceptions and Factors Affecting Retailed Delivered Services in Modern Trade. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 6(1), 143–156. retrieved from
Research Article


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