Online Marketing Communication Factors Influencing Purchase Decision Process of Eyeglasses Products in Bangkok District: A Case Study of Marketing Communication Factors of Hawvan Store

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จิระวดี ตั้นเส้ง
Palida Srisornkompon


The objective of this research was to study the online marketing communication factors that influence the purchase decision process of eyeglasses products of Hawvan store in Bangkok. The samples were consumers aged between 22 and 55 years old with the income ranging from 10,000 to 70,000 baht and who had used the service of the Hawvan Store or optical shop service in Bangkok at least once a year. A purposive sampling method and probability proportional to size method were applied when choosing the 400 samples. The factors of digital or online marketing communication were: 1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO); 2) Pay Per Click (PPC); 3) Online Partnership; 4) Interactive Advertising; 5) Opt-in-e-mail, and; 6) Viral Marketing (Chaffey and Smith, 2008). The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis with hypothesis testing at significance level of 0.01 and 0.05. 

The results showed that the interactive advertising factors had a positive impact on the purchase decision process of eyeglasses products by consumers with the statistically significant level at 0.05. The factors of search engine optimization, online partnership and opt-in-e-mail factors had a positive impact on the purchase decision process of the glasses’ products and services by consumers with the statistically significant level at 0.01

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ตั้นเส้ง จ., & Srisornkompon, P. . (2020). Online Marketing Communication Factors Influencing Purchase Decision Process of Eyeglasses Products in Bangkok District: A Case Study of Marketing Communication Factors of Hawvan Store. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 7(2), 266–281. retrieved from
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