Factors Influencing Undergraduate Student's Interest in The Selection of Overseas Experience Activities

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มุจลินท์ ม่วงยาน
ปรเมศร์ อัศวเรืองพิภพ


This study is aimed 1) to explore interest levels to participate OEAs and 2) to study interest factors that influencing the selection of Overseas Experience Activities of Administration and Management College (AMC's) graduate students in King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. By delivering questionnaire to 837 faculty students, 804 were returned. There were 462 samples interesting in Overseas Experience Activities. Descriptive statistics showed that the "highest" interest level of participation was an improvement of own ability and self development, and the "high" level was the development of knowledge and personality gained from overseas experience activity. By LRA, it was found that interest factors influencing Overseas Experience Activities participation were 1) the learnt knowledge can be utilized actively, 2) the learnt knowledge can be brought for future career, 3) improvement of work ability and skill, 4) self adjustment to new surroundings,5) personality development and ways of living with other people, 6) enthusiasm and carefulness,7) developing self assessment skill for future work after graduation, and 8) learning of the difference between theories and practices.

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How to Cite
ม่วงยาน ม., & อัศวเรืองพิภพ ป. (2017). Factors Influencing Undergraduate Student’s Interest in The Selection of Overseas Experience Activities. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 5(1), 107–124. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/msj/article/view/129930
Research Article