A Mediated Moderation between Firm Size and the Level of Voluntary Disclosure Index of Companies Listed on the SET

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Jakkravudhi Chobpichien


Despite intensive efforts to determine the nature of the relationship between the firm size and the level of voluntary disclosure index (VDI), empirical studies of this issue have produced mixed results. This paper attempts to delve deeper into this complex phenomenon by employing a resource dependency perspective to hypothesize a model of mediation as board of directors’ quality index (BOQI) is moderated by a high concentration of CEO’s ownership (HCEO). The findings suggest that the larger firm size, the higher is the level of BOQI and this in turn will lead to the higher the level of VDI. These relationships appear to be weaker when there is moderation as HCEO, produced by the mediation process of the level of BOQI, and when this process is controlled, the residual moderation of the treatment effect is reduced. Thus, the relationship between firm size and the level of VDI of companies listed on the SET will be mediated by the level of BOQI, as moderated by a HCEO. Further, board size as control variable is found to have a positive significant influence on the level of BOQI and VDI.

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How to Cite
Chobpichien, J. (2018). A Mediated Moderation between Firm Size and the Level of Voluntary Disclosure Index of Companies Listed on the SET. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 5(1), 15–38. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/msj/article/view/129886
Research Article