Stock Of The Star Circle
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In the present day, the expense daily cost is raising but the income is constant for salary employees. Thus, the saving interest is flat rate, so they have to invest the money in stock market because it can do in same time with daily job and the compensation is higher than interest bank. However, the invested stock has a risk, so we must have plan and make strategy for avoid loss and get the profit of target. The STAR CIRCLE model has a pattern analysis. Every step has indicators, which are formulating and calculating for choosing stocks, so it can plan of investment for getting profit by month, and the risk of investment is the lowest as much as possible.
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How to Cite
กุลดิลก จ. (2018). Stock Of The Star Circle. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 5(1), 1–14. retrieved from
Academic Article