Factor Analysis of the Lifestyles of Generation Y Consumers on the East Coast of Southern Thailand through AIO Model

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พัฐชญาณ์ แซ่โง้ว
ศิวฤทธิ์ พงศกรรังศิลป์
พิมพ์ลภัส พงศกรรังศิลป์


The research aimed to study Generation Y consumer behaviors and to analyze the lifestyles of generation Y consumers on the East Coast of Southern Thailand. The questionnaire was used to collect the data from 400 Generation Y consumers who born in 1981 - 2000. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of this study is 0.96. All data were analyzed through factor analysis by employing principal component analysis. The results show that the female samples are mostly found, and all samples are in the age of 21-25. Samples have average income below 10,001 Baht per month. These samples hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and work with private companies. They are younger generation/ currently studying/ graduated, who are single or not married, and are the permanent residence in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. They also live with their parent, and have not credit card. The findings about factor analysis through AIO Model show that there are 8 activity factors; Entertainment, Nature, Self and Social Development, Work and Social activities, Learning, Hobby, Healthy, and Peach.8 interest factors; Fashion and Values, Travel & Environment, Family, Excitement and Learning, Technology, Self-Development, Self, and Casual and 7 opinion factors; Analyst, Thinker, Political, Realist, Qualitative, Competitive, and Democratic.

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How to Cite
แซ่โง้ว พ., พงศกรรังศิลป์ ศ., & พงศกรรังศิลป์ พ. (2016). Factor Analysis of the Lifestyles of Generation Y Consumers on the East Coast of Southern Thailand through AIO Model. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 3(2), 43–70. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/msj/article/view/116748
Research Article