The Important of Green Advertising on Green Image, Green Trust and Green Loyalty in Restaurant Business

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Chanchai Meathawiroon
Sudarat Kliangsa-Art


This study aims to (1) examine the importance of advertisement on image, trust, and loyalty in the context of the environment in the restaurant business; (2) develop the structural equation modeling of green advertising, green image, green trust, and green loyalty for the restaurant business; and (3) evaluate the model's suitability using empirical data. This research sampled individuals with restaurant experience. 320 samples use questionnaires for data collection, analysis with descriptive statistics, and inference with structural equation modeling. According to the research, the model was consistent with empirical data. Using Chi-Square/df = 2.559, RFI = 0.945, IFI = 0.974, CFI = 0.974, NFI = 0.958, and RMSEA = 0.070, the model suggested that green advertising had direct effects on green image and indirect effects on green loyalty via green image and green trusts. Moreover, green trust is a factor that significantly direct effect on green loyalty in the restaurant industry. The findings demonstrate the significance of green advertising in restaurant businesses, serving as a direct factor in enhancing green image and green trust. Additionally, green advertising functions as an indirect factor in elevating consumers' green loyalty toward restaurants. These results provide restaurants with actionable insights for developing more environmentally conscious operational strategies.

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