Creative Community Projects: A Case Study of “Sala Ya Chai” and the Application of Public Art Principles in Driving Community Engagement in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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This research aims to study the creative process of community-based theater production, "Sala Ya Chai," in line with public arts guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is conducted using a combination of Participation Action Research: PAR methods, integrated with a creative research approach, to produce community-based theater performances. Ecological aesthetics, collaborative creativity, Folk performing arts adaptation and devised performance were combined with social issues as guiding principles for creative work. Results were that the key to creating community-based theater was active community participation in designing and developing creative performances by exchanging knowledge between artists and academics. These new theater productions raised social awareness through communication and active involvement in the creative process. For successful creation, artists must possess in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and forms of expression used in performance. This community-based theater creation led to methodological suggestions and alternative options for creating traditional performing arts suitable for the public.
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