Motivation Media Exposure and Male Consumer Behavior in Purchasing Lucky Accessories.

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Sasicha Tiewluk
Suthiluck Vungsuntitum


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) motivation, media exposure, and male consumer behavior in purchasing lucky accessories; 2) influence of motivation, media exposure, and attitude of consumer behavior on lucky accessories; and 3) clarify the relationship between media exposure motivation and male consumers' purchasing of lucky accessories. This research is a survey using an online questionnaire. By using the data collection method from a sample group of consumers who are male, aged between 18 - 60 years old, residing in Bangkok and its vicinity, and 400 people who used to consume lucky accessories to enhance luck in the past year, the study found that motivation and media exposure were related to the male consumer behavior of lucky accessories. The correlation coefficients were high and moderate, respectively. Motivation, media exposure, and attitudes — all three variables had a statistically significant influence on male consumer behavior toward lucky accessories. And the sample group's male consumers were able to explain, in cooperation, the wide range of factors influencing the consumer behavior of luck accessories by the regression coefficient of the variable.

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